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Re: Upcoming Debian Releases

Brian said:
> What's a simple email message once every 3 months for a few rare bug
> reports compared to all the good it can do?  Just getting all the forgotten
> bug reports closed makes this worthwhile, in my opinion.

Agreed.  I think the Debian system is very nice.  As most of the people here I would guess, I've used it both as a user and as a developer and it is pleasant and easy to use in both cases.

The one suggestion I might make is that for those bugs that are intended as a reminder only (or some bugs that maybe aren't even technically bugs, like missing manpages, etc.), perhaps there should be an option such that the package maintainer can set the bug to a lower priority and get reminder messages less frequently.  This could also be used to prioritize the bug listings, etc. -- if desired.

I do not think that a total removal of reminders is good.

Also, having put in my two cents, I think that we should be concentrating on more pressing issues than how often (or if) the bug system sends reminder messages.  There were some problems with 1.2 (that I highly doubt were related to how often the bug system sent reminders) and I think we should be concentrating on avoiding those problems in 1.3 first and on side issues like this second.

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (www.debian.org)
Custom Programming    | 
jgoerzen@complete.org | 

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