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Re: How to make "special kernels" for Debian 1.2?


	You might be interested in the package kernel-package, which
 contains the script make-kpkg.

>>"Christian" == Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

Christian> Hi!

Christian> Since there are no special kernels out there for 1.2 I plan
Christian> to build my own. I need a kernel with NCR SCSI support for
Christian> a few friends of mine. Can someone tell me which ".config"
Christian> file is used for the standard kernel, i.e. which drivers
Christian> are needed built-in and which drivers are built as modules?

Christian> Do I have to replace the "device drivers" disk too if I
Christian> make a new kernel?

Christian> Anyways, wasn't there a Debian package with a script that
Christian> builds the kernel for the boot disks?

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