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Bugs #2714: share files from emacs and Xemacs


Sorry if I open again an old discussion but I want to know about this.
Xemacs shared only 7 files with emacs. Some can easily be divert or
include in another package with no problem AFAIK. Some others, I don't 
Here the list:

/usr/bin/etags        | AFAIK, this binaries, altough they aren't
/usr/bin/ctags        | the same give the same output...
/usr/man/man1/etags.1 | Can we call it *alternative*? Or better, put
/usr/man/man1/ctags.1 | it in a single package such as elvisctags?

/usr/bin/rcs-checkin  | The only difference between the two is a single
                      | checking for readibility. One use <$file || exit 1
                      | and the other use test -r $file || exit 1
                      | Don't think that disturb something...

/usr/bin/b2m          | I have mainly no idea what this program are supposed
/usr/bin/emacsclient  | to do. Someone can help me on this subject? Are
                      | they can be candidate for alternative, divert or
		      | simply renaming (eg. xemacsclient) ???

Also, I would like ( that's mean it's only a *suggestion* ) to Debian
be the first Linux distribution to include a shared standard emacs 
distribution. I don't mean to exclude one of Xemacs or Emacs but to
standardize the way that both xemacs and emacs are distributed.

Hum... well, I think an exemple is required to help me with my poor 
english skill:

Distribute elisp file separately from the .elc file.
Jumeling the package under a same naming shame...
Ensure that the directories structure are almost the same.
Standardizing the way the site-lisp and elisp package are configure.

IMHO, with not that mush difficulty... Although I'm not an expert in emacs,
I begin to be used to manipulate most current source of emacs package to 
make them work with xemacs. Most of the time, simply put them in the 
right directory is sufficient. I just want to be sure about it :-)

Thanks for your attention.

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 Not knowing we're you going always lead you to a Baggus end.
                                  the lost Baggus Mage
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Fabien Ninoles aka le Veneur        || Running Debian-Linux
Ninf01@gel.usherb.ca                || Lover of MOO, mountains, 
http://www-edu.gel.usherb.ca/ninf01 || poetry and Freedom.
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Version: 2.6.2


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