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Re: Bug#6014: emacs shouldn't use C-h for "help"

eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us (Mark W. Eichin)  wrote on 17.12.96 in <xe13ex58unn.fsf@paycheck.kitten.gen.ma.us>:

> > A bug is still a bug - even if documented.  If it won't get fixed

It's not clear that it won't get fixed. In the last flame war on  
gnu.misc.discuss (probably still going on?), where Linus complained about  
the bug, some guy that sounded like an Emacs maintainer was solicitating  
ideas for possible solutions for this problem.

> at what the conclusion was.  However, I believe the general conclusion
> has been that it's better to leave ^h as "help" since there's nothing
> *better* to use, and let people figure it out.  (I'm pretty sure that
> under X, the "<-" key is treated as distinct from ^h, so you get the
> ideal compromise there.)  There have been attempts to find a better
> alternative, but none that preserve "easy to find help key..."

Calling ^H "easy to find help key" is just ridiculous.

However, the same guy as above claimed that Emacs had help mapped to F1 as  
well; *that* one *is* easy to find (since it is what more than half the  
world does), as long as the function keys work - which should certainly be  
true for both Linux console and X.

Disclaimer: I'm no Emacs user (with the ^H problem being one of the  

MfG Kai

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