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bad practice in buzz-updates

I've noticed that at least two packages in buzz-updates don't work with buzz
(modules and ppp -- both require a version of libc5 which isn't in buzz).

Also, there's something wrong with sendmail-8.7.6-2 which is also sitting in
buzz-updates (it complains about the Kdequote line in the generated
sendmail.cf -- the sendmail-8.7.6-1 has no problem with the same cf file).

I realize that there is a bit of anxiety over getting 1.2 released, but the
users of the previous, stable version shouldn't be left out in the cold with a
system which won't work properly. Everyone is concerned about Debian remaining
secure and bug-free, but buzz seems to have been forgotten...

Scott Barker
Linux Consultant
http://www.cuug.ab.ca:8001/~barkers/   (under construction)

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