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Re: I18N for Debian 1.3? (Or 1.4?)

>>>>> "FP" == Fabrizio Polacco <fpolacco@megabaud.fi> writes:

    FP: Milan Zamazal wrote:
    ::  There are some terrible languages like Czech or Slovak which
    :: absolutely need keyboard with dead-key and switching of two
    :: keyboards.  That's rather easy possible on Linux console but
    :: not so easy in X.

    FP: It's not a problem related only to "terrible" languages, but
    FP: affects also who has a keyboard build for a language different
    FP: from the one that he uses, or who uses more languages.

So this problem should be solved.

    :: And what is better solution: 1. To make some independent Czech
    :: related Debian packages (fastest).  2. To try to solve the
    :: problem globally, i.e. selecting language (for system and for
    :: each user) like e.g. selecting the timezone (very difficult).

    FP: Timezone is related only to the place where you live, not the
    FP: language that you use.

Sorry for my English, I've meant ...selecting language in the similar
(easy) way like e.g. selecting the timezone...

    FP: I yet proposed to create one package for each language to
    FP: install and activate what is needed, and to inform other
    FP: packages of the user's request to use that (those)
    FP: language(s).


    FP: The goal that I would like to see achieved under Debian is the
    FP: ability to use and switch language with the same ease with
    FP: which we can change editor or web server.

So would I.  Are we ready to start doing something with it?

Milan Zamazal

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