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Re: Upcoming Debian Releases [auto-post]

Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> "Larry 'Daffy' Daffner":
> > Perhaps we should rename unstable to current, ...
> No, absolutely not. ...

absolutely agreed: no.

> We make no guarantees of how well unstable works.

This seems the perfect definition for the words "alpha" and "beta".
People knows that "alpha" means "development in progress" and that
"beta" means "testing in progress" much better than the equipollence
between "congress" and "disgrace" (well, almost outside U.S.)[1]

I dare to propose to assign the word "alpha" (followed by a version
number) for unstable and "beta" (with the same number) for frozen, in
such a way that we could have:

	debian-1.1	---->  buzz
	debian-1.1.15	---->  buzz-fixed, (aka current, latest)
	beta-1.2	---->  rex
	alpha-1.3	---->  bo
	alpha-1.4	---->  woody

Then when the "d-day"[2] comes, "beta-1.2" will become "debian-1.2" and
"alpha-1.3" will be "beta-1.3", while the latter move could be done 
at a later stage.

[1] Well, in Italian there is a connection between the verb "to rain"
    (the effect) and the noun "government" (the cause) with the
    corollary of the adjective "thievish" (the reason why).
[2] Debian-Day

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