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Re: Upcoming Debian Releases [auto-post]

> > * Shadow password support (marekm@i17linuxb.ists.pwr.wroc.pl)
> I understand that Guy Maor is the maintainer of the Debian shadow
> package - I'd like to include the Debian patches in the upstream
> version once moved to the new source format (and possibly become
> the maintainer - but that will probably happen only after the Rex
> release).

Since it was you I talked to the most about this, I assumed you
were the one putting the package together.  I'll change this.

> > - Boot disks should contain drivers for more systems/cards (???)
> Yes, please - include the 3c90x PCI ethernet driver, if possible
> (http://cesdis.gsfc.nasa.gov/linux/drivers/).  These cards seem
> to be quite common now.

You'll have to talk to Bruce about that.

> > - new XFree86 3.2. stuff -- involves all packages using X
> Well, XFree86 3.2 is out already (since 30 October) - I am still
> hoping that it's not too late and it will be in Rex...

It's already been decided than XFree 3.2 will not be part of Rex.
Bruce will encourage CD makers to include the 3.2 package from
unstable, though, on their CDs.
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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