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Bug#5268: cron dies nightly

Package: cron
Version: 3.0pl1-34

Our machines here seem to be having troubles with cron stopping during the
wee hours of the morning.

Unfortunately, we have been unable to pin down the cause.  Apparently,
something is sending it a "sigsuspend".  Here is the line from "ps -axl":

140  0  220  1  0  0  844  120  sigsuspend  S  ?  1.28s  /usr/sbin/cron

I have been unable to find any information in the log files about this.
Can anybody else provide some more information or tell me where to look?

It would be really nice if this could be fixed for Debian 1.2!

                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
     measure with micrometer, mark with chalk, cut with axe, hope like hell

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