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Bug#4980: libc.so.5.4.7 breaks mcopy from ext2fs to win95

>'Hal Brand wrote:'
>>>Hal Brand writes:
>>>> With libc.so.5.4.7, "mcopy myfile.txt f:/" fails. Reverting to libc.so.5.2.18
>>>> allows mcopy to work. Interestingly enough, "mdir f:" works with
>>>> both 5.4.7 and 5.2.18!
>>>Strange. I never experienced problems with that. Could you track down the
>>>problem in mcopy? I'd really like to know which function is reporting this.
>>Looks like I can't track it down. I tried, but with no success. I fetched
>>the latest sources, configured, compiled, and tested - no problems
>>with libc.so.5.4.7. My best *guess* at this point is a change in a symbolic
>>constant rendering any version compiled a while ago unviable with the
>>new library. However, this probably means that the mtools package should
>>be updated.
>Did you try a vfat filesystem?  I have no problems with mtools-3.0-5
>under libc5-5.4.7-4 which I just installed now that we have decided to
>use it (but I don't use any vfat filesystems).

Yes, it was a VFAT file system. having run Win95 (necessary evil) for
a while, they've all become VFAT.
					Hal R. Brand

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