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Problems with dpkg and package case

I found a potential bug/problem with dpkg's handling of package's 
case. I built a replacement of the old tclX package (uppercase X) in 
two distinct packages tclx74 (lowercase x) and tclx75 (lower x).

I wanted that both packages Replaces: and Conflicts: with tclX 
(uppercase X), as intended. Additionnaly, I wanted them to Provides: 
the virtual tclx (lowercase x) package so that scripts could depend 
upon tclx and not a fixed version of tclx like tclx74 or tclx75.

However, dpkg treats the control file's `Provides: tclx' line as 
`Provides: tclX' , making the two packages unable to install at the 
same time.

Is this intended behavior, or is it a problem ?


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