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Re: WWW close-to-final proposal changes in response to criticism

On Sat, 2 Nov 1996, Bruce Perens wrote:

bruce >Does this make more sense? If so, I will integrate several messages into
bruce >an amended proposal and post that.

Ok. This does make more sense now. But I still do not know on what http
address my application can depend to reach their cgi-bin and webpages.
Is it http://host/ROM.webspace/cgi-bin/man2html for example?

If so then I are running into trouble with the cern-httpd
which seems to only support one cgi-bin at http://host/cgi-bin. (Get rid
of cern!)

If the user has to manually create symlinks in /var/web/webspace then we
are in for a lot of trouble.

Due to the complexity of the approach it
will be quite difficult to explain things to people and more even to put
it down in a policy. The separation of cgi-bin is IMHO not necessary
anymore with recent servers. They have advanced security features and
can enable security for each file in a directory in the configuration file
(ncsa, apache, roxen) or within a config file in a directory
(wn, apache, ncsa)

I think the matter of setting up things should be left to the webserver
since webservers have features that might remove the need for symlinks
or symlink-trees. It is sufficient to specify where a web application can
install its stuff and upon what html address it can rely on. The Webserver
should cope with things beyond that.

If you specify symlinks then the development of more advanced methods to
accomplish what we want will be stifled.

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