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Bug#5209: exmh destroys my inbox

On Fri, 1 Nov 1996, Larry 'Daffy' Daffner wrote:

vizzie> system spool to the mh folders.  Should rm also warn you that it's
vizzie> going to remove files in a big warning message?

Nonsense. "rm" is for deleting files so it's ok when it deletes them.
Nobody will wonder about that.
BTW, many people have the file "-i" in important directories so they are
not deleted by an "rm -rf" but a warning message is printed instead.

"exmh" is a mail-reader and the expected behaviour is that it _reads_

vizzie> Besides, it's undoable.  run /usr/lib/mh/packmbox <folder> >>
vizzie> /var/spool/mail/<user>.

Wonderful. I will contact the author and suggest this message being
printed on first startup.

vizzie> -> I suggest a big warning about the behaviour of exmh should be printed.
vizzie> This would be redundant at best, and inconvenient to users who know
vizzie> what they are doing.

Why can something that is printed at first time startup and then never
again be inconvenient?

vizzie> I recommend this bug be closed as not a bug.

That's the typicall old UNIX-philosophy: "The current state of all
programs is ok, we don't need to think about enhancing them. Every user
who does not have this opinion is defined as a big dummy." 

Good not all UNIX-programers thought that way and we have a lot
intelligent programs today that don't require days to read all their


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