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Bug#5210: dpkg-source complains on substitution variables

Mr Stuart Lamble <lamble@aurora.cc.monash.edu.au> wrote:
>Package: dpkg
>When I was building up libelf0, I tried using  in debian/control:
>Package: libelf
>Package: libelf-dev
>in an attempt to not have to edit the control file when libelf 1.0.0 comes
>out. (yeah, I'm lazy. :) dpkg-source barfs on this, despite having setup
>substvars properly, claiming that the package has two conflicting names,
>libelf0 and libelf.
>I worked around it by changing the s to 0, but as I read the manual,
>it should know how to use substvars to do the required job. 'Course, I could
>be showing off my ignorance here. :)

Argh! The bug report seems to have dropped some of the text of the report -
there were several bits that had (separated into individual characters to
try to avoid this problem) "$", "{", "MAJOR", and "}" in them. ie: where
the above says "libelf", it should be "libelf...", and "libelf-dev" should
be "libelf...-dev" (... being replaced by the bug text.)

Feel free to contact me by private email if this is still confusing. (Maybe
this should be a bug report against the bug reporting system? :-)

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