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Bug#4740: Modules-2.0.0 fails to load modules in kernel 2.1.x

> Package: modules
> Version: 2.0.0-8

The latest versino is 2.0.0-11, which also addresses some other problems.

> Insmod fails to load modules with kernels 2.1.x. This failure has to do
> with large addresses being concidered an error. The following patch fixed

libc 5.4.7 also fixes part of the problem, but a complete solution in the
modules packages (like your patch) is indead a better option since we still
have lots of users with an older libc. Unfortunately I can't release an update
at this since since the mainboard of my computer has decided it doesn't like
the EIDE controllor and trahsed both my harddisks. I'll try and assemble a
new version as soon as possible (should be before monday).


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