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Re: Thoughts regarding package installation

Chris Fearnley <cjf@netaxs.com> wrote:
>'Lars Wirzenius wrote:'
>>I think we want to wait until after 1.2 is released before
>>starting to experiment with this for real, but don't hesitate
>>to suggest improvements to the cfgtool interface.
>I'm not usre we need to wait so long.  Can't we start switching over

We _can_, but I (personally) don't believe it's a good idea. It has
been around three months, maybe a bit less, since 1.1 was released;
IIRC, Debian is supposed to undergo new releases every three months
or so. This means that we're getting close to the release of 1.2 -
_not_ a good time to be experimenting with new things like this.

In particular, it would mean a mad flurry as maintainers update their
packages to deal with cfgtool, and possibly pushing back the release
date. It took Debian a long time to go from 0.93R6 to 1.1 - in fact,
it was so long, I would have installed Redhat (I didn't - mainly because
it mangled my DOS partitions - if you _really_ want to know, email me
outside the list.)

Once 1.2 is out, we can start breaking things to our hearts' content :)

>>I'm going to interpret the violent lack of negative feedback
>>as silent approval that this is the right way to go. :-)
>This /is/ the right way to go!

I'll go along with that :)

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