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Re: site-start.el and lout-mode.el

If someone wants to write an "install-elisp" (there have been some
quite clever suggestions here) some time this week, I'll try and
include it in the 19.32-1 package. 

I wouldn't worry too much about "hundreds" of addon packages -- favor
robustness and simplicity over speed, if there are that many optional
packages we can change the emacs side of the mechanism (and the
*implementation* of install-elisp) without changing the interface.

Please include examples of how gnats, vm, w3, and possibly mailcrypt
would use the mechanism (should be a line or two for each, so this
isn't a major task) just to show that it is as general as what's being
done now (and to make it easier to convince those maintainers to
switch :-)

			_Mark_ <eichin@kitten.gen.ma.us>
			The Herd of Kittens

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