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Re: xdiary package?

On Fri, 17 May 1996, Austin Donnelly wrote:

> I don't think there is an xdiary package.
> I think one would be a good idea.
> I don't have the time to do one.
> Any takers?

What can xdiary do that ical can't?  If you're looking for a good
X-based calendar/diary/todo application, have a look at ical.  It's
probably the best of it's kind that i've ever seen.

(It still doesn't help me to get more organised though. i just forget to
actually USE diaries...can't solve userware problems with software :-)

ical is already packaged for debian:

$ dpkg -s ical
Package: ical
Status: install ok installed
Priority: extra
Section: misc
Maintainer: David Engel <david@ods.com>
Version: 2.0p2-1
Depends: tk40
Description: An X11/Tk Calendar application
 Some of Ical's important features are ---
    * Items can be created edited and deleted easily.
    * Items can be made to repeat in various ways.
    * Ical will post reminders for upcoming appointments.
    * Ical can print and list item occurrences.
    * Ical calendars can be shared by different users.


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