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man pages for all

I'm very new to debian-devel, but I'd like to throw my opinion in. 

I _depend_ on man pages a lot. No X, not even curses libs. 
They are (usually) short and complete. I _don't_ use emacs, and with X 
available I doubt that I'll learn it. The info system is confusing and 
often gets in the way of solving a problem. HTML pages are fine _if_ 
you have X and a browser on a system (or at least lynx). Having man 
avaiable on-line has helped me restore a partially corrupted system more 
than once. For example, two of my machines have only a character 
displays, so man pages are quite appropriate. How about a script to 
convert HTML to man, or man to HTML? Do we need more volunteers to produce

I'm more than willing to listen if anyone want's to comment. 
Best Regards for the New Year, JohnT

>As almost everybody knows, GNU does not consider the lack of a manpage as
>a bug. ...
>When we are talking about standarizing documentation on HTML format,
>I feel that requiring a manpage for every binary in /usr/bin is something
>If we insist on this policy, I would make the following proposal: Could we
>create a new type of man page saying "Please see the .info files"?. It
>could be named "seeinfo.7". If such man page would exist, I would gladly
>add a symlink to it.
	Life is non-orthogonal and big endian.

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