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Re: Upcoming Debian Releases

Brian C. White:
> When was 1.2 _supposed_ to ship?  It was at least one month ago, maybe
> two.  Debian has a very bad reputation for slipping releases.

Perhaps we shouldn't publicly announce new releases until we are
sure they are ready to ship.  When it is done, it is done.  Not
only Debian has problems with slipping releases - remember XFree86
beta releases?  3.1.2F was released the same day 3.1.2E expired.
Such is life - they probably had to make some important last
minute fixes, and can I understand that.  It's still much better
than Win95 - released too late _and_ still buggy, but they didn't
want to delay it any further, because of the "95" :-).

> If you recall, I fought to use libc5.2.18 in Rex, but Bruce overrode
> me (again) and said that 5.4.7 was to be used.

Note that I'm not saying it was a bad idea to upgrade libc.  It is
good that the new libc helps find some new bugs, and it also has
some important security fixes (yes, I know, not important for most
users, but...).  I just said that a longer public beta test would
be good - not just because of the new X.

BTW, netscape 3.01 gold seems to be stable with libc 5.4.7 (without
LD_PRELOAD=libgnumalloc.so.5).  My testing was limited, but 3.0
always crashed (bus error) almost immediately.


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