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System.map thoughts...

Wouldn't it be nice for those of us who regularly use several different
kernel versions to have the system always be able to find the correct
System.map file?  That way klogd could always find it.

I just had a thought, but I do not know which package I should be
suggesting this for.  When the kernel gets built, I propose that the
System.map file be installed in  /lib/modules/`uname -r` and then in
/etc/init.d/boot we add: 

# Setting up the System.map file so the kernel can find it.
if [ -e  /lib/modules/`uname -r`/System.map ] ; then
  ln -s /lib/modules/`uname -r`/System.map  /System.map 

This allows those who use several kernels to have the system always find the
correct System.map file.  I think this would be easy to implement, and will
work better than the current method.  Any thoughts?


Erik B. Andersen        Web:    http://www.et.byu.edu/~andersee/ 
2485 South State St.    email:  andersee@et.byu.edu or andersee@debian.org
Springville, Ut 84663   phone:  (801) 489-1231
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