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libg++27 and dpkg-shlibdeps: I need help


I have a problem building groff and I can't figure a valid solution.
While groff-1.09 building easily, the new (I year ago :-) upstream
version groff-1.10 give me this warning (well this is run by hand, but
is the same output):

4$ dpkg-shlibdeps -O groff/groff
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for
shared library libstdc++ (soname 27, path /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.27.1.4,
dependency field Depends)
dpkg-shlibdeps: warning: unable to find dependency information for
shared library libm (soname 5, path /lib/libm.so.5.0.5, dependency field
shlibs:Depends=libc5 (>= 5.2.18)

and dpkg-buildpackage continues as nothing happened.

ldd on the resulting esecutable gives:

4$ ldd groff/groff
        libstdc++.so.27 => /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.27.1.4
        libm.so.5 => /lib/libm.so.5.0.5
        libc.so.5 => /lib/libc.so.5.2.18

Running groff I get this error:

groff: can't find library 'libm.so.4'

Is the Friday evening syndrome or I am doing something stupid?

| e-mail: fpolacco@megabaud.fi    fpolacco@debian.org         |
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