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Re: What architecture are we?

> It doesn't make much sense to optimize code for i386 when relatively
> few people run i386 machines.  I'd suspect the most common
> architecture is i586 now.  In addition, i486-optimized binaries
> produced by gcc are somewhat bloated.  So, it's probably best to
> optimize for the i586 as long as it remains compatible with i386
> machines.

I agree with your reasoning, but I don't put that much faith in the
compiler.  I figure that if I say to gcc, "optimize for the Pentium"
then gcc is free to use all instructions available on a Pentium.  We
assume that later generation chips will not remove instructions (or at
least seamlessly emulate removed instructions), but some instructions
may not exist on older generation chips.

Thus, barring a guarantee from the compiler guys, if Debian supports
the i386 then everything should be optimized for "i386".
                                 ( bcwhite@verisim.com )
     It's not the days in your life, but the life in your days that counts.

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