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Re: Debian WWW standards version 2.0

[ Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list. ]

Fabrizio Polacco:
> I missed the discussion about that, but I would like to have voted for a
> conversion pre-made by the maintainers. I don't ask to rediscuss this
> (dwww is out and is good), I'm just telling my preference.

There has been fairly little discussion about dwww and its
design, I think.  Mostly I've been discussing things with
myself. :) (But that's OK.  Most of this stuff just needs to
be done, and doesn't benefit from discussion.

The discussion about whether to do on-line conversions of manual
pages or pre-convert them was ended when I did "du -s /usr/man
/usr/X11R6/man".  At my newly installed system (with lots of
programs still missing), that's more than 15 MB.  We can't
expect people to have use another 15 MB for pre-converted HTML.
I couldn't out-argue myself on that point. :)

I'd like to allow pre-conversion, but that's far in the future.
There are more important things that need to be fixed first.

Please read <http://www.iki.fi/liw/mail-to-lasu.html> before mailing me.
Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

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