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Versions of gs

Hello all!

I have the following question: 
I agree that we should have different package names for the GPL version and
the Aladdin version. Unless I remember falsely, we agreed to make all
packages depend on gs now that we do no longer have packages gs_{x,nox,both}.
Then gs-aladdin should provide gs as well as the old (and now hopefully
defunct) package names. Otherwise we get a hole mess of dependency problems.

I'd really like to have dependencies like that:

physical packages: gs_aladdin gs_gpl
each providing the (virtual) package gs and conflicting with each other.

Thois way a package needing just any version of gs can just keep on depending
on gs, while packages needing special abilities (or needing special revisions)
of either physical package may depend directly on those packages.
I can fix my packages (ghostview, gv) by using gs_x for dependencies or
using each package specifically, but I think this makes dependencies more
difficult than needed.


Helmut Geyer                                Helmut.Geyer@iwr.uni-heidelberg.de
public PGP key available :         finger geyer@kalliope.iwr.uni-heidelberg.de

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