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is this a problem?

Occasionally when I'm building a debian package (with dpkg-buildpackage
-tc), I'll see this error come up:

shell-init: could not get current directory: getwd: cannot access parent directories

Is this something I should be concerend about? It doesn't seem to hurt

I'm using dpkg-dev version
#!/usr/bin/perl -pl-                                   # ,,ep) ayf >|)nj,,
$_=reverse lc$_;s@"@''@g;y/[]{A-Y}<>()a-y1-9,!.?`'/][} #         Joey Hess
{><)(eq)paj6y!fk7wuodbjsfn^mxhl5Eh29L86`i'%,/;s@k@>|@g # jeh22@cornell.edu
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