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Re: About bug 1281: bin86 copyright

BCC,LD86, AS86 etc are under the GPL and are licensed as such in ELKS

copyright file from the elks package:

The elks distribution can be ftped from:


                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
                       Version 2, June 1991

And I remember dimly seeing a separate BCC/AS86/LD86 package with a GNU
license. FreeBSD also includes BCC/AS86/LD86 in their freely distributable
section. Someone might check on ftp.cdrom.com what the copyright of their
latest package is.

On Sun, 6 Oct 1996, Lars Wirzenius wrote:

liw>Bug report 1281 (more than a year old) asks:
liw>> Does this prevent us from distributing on commercial media?  (Such as a
liw>> CD-ROM.)
liw>>         This is the as86 and ld86 distribution written by Bruce Evans.  It's
liw>>         copyright Bruce Evans, all rights reserved although you may use and
liw>>         copy it for your personal use.  
liw>The /usr/doc/copyright/bin86 file from version 0.3-1 still says
liw>the same thing. Has anybody checked on this, and asked Bruce Evans
liw>about it? bin86 is needed for kernel compilation, and it'd be a
liw>_real_ shame if it needs to be moved to non-free.
liw>Please read <http://www.iki.fi/liw/mail-to-lasu.html> before mailing me.
liw>Please don't Cc: me when replying to my message on a mailing list.

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