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Bug#4642: Shar archives use incorrect shell code!

Package: sharutils
Version: 4.2.1-1

Shar uses a lock dir for multifile archives, and the last shar file has
the following code at the end:

$echo $shar_n 'x -' 'lock directory' '_sh25318:' $shar_c
if rm -fr _sh25318; then
  $echo 'removed'
  $echo 'failed to remove'                             
exit 0                                                     

Because there is a missing 'fi' before the exit, the unpacking terminates
with an erro.


Yves Arrouye                          Email: Yves.Arrouye@marin.fdn.fr
7, avenue Leon Bollee                Web: http://www.fdn.fr/~yarrouye/
75013 Paris                                      Work: +33 45 95 64 59
France                                           Home: +33 53 61 09 55

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