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Re: Do we ever retire packages?

lukas@teorica0.ifisicacu.unam.mx (Lukas Nellen)  wrote on 27.08.96 in <[🔎] 199608272232.RAA15842@snork.ifisicacu.unam.mx>:

> > Dirk.Eddelbuettel@qed.econ.queensu.ca writes:
> > > I have argued before that a2ps and a2gs are effectively replaced by
> > > genscript, and that we should remove them. I think a similar case could
> > > be
> Please don't do that. Personally, I am used to a2ps and I'm a lot more
> attached to my habits than to genscript :-). And I don't see why we should
> retire a package just because some other package with similar functionality
> is provided. Think of the differ

Umm ... there's something wrong with your mailer, it seems. Looks like  
paragraphs longer that around 256 chars don't work.

Anyway, how about having a (public) directory especially for obsoleted  

That way, people could still use them, but they would be warned that there  
is no support, and they are on their own.

Currently, I believe this is distributed in non-obvious ways among  
contrib, experimental, and some private directories.

So, I'd propose a new directory, parallel to contrib and non-free. We  
could call it "dropped" or "orphaned" and include a README saying that  
these are packages that are no longer supported by the Debian project in  
any way, and are not recommended, but if you want them, here they are.

MfG Kai

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