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Bug#3117: Tob needs whoami

On Fri, 24 May 1996, Michael Meskes wrote:

> Package: tob
> Version: 0.14-0
> /sbin/tob calls /usr/bin/whoami. But in an emergency /usr might not be
> there. I cannot see any use in putting tob into /sbin if it calls another
> program that's under /usr. I think tob should be able to restore if there is
> no /usr directory at all.

Good point. If I try to replace the
	if [ 'whoami' != root ] ; then
by another test for not being root, what should I use? Will _everybody_
have set $USER to their idendity when they either login as, or su to, root,
under every possible shell?

Does anybody have another idea or bash trick to this reliably without
requiring /usr/bin/* or /usr/sbin/* stuff?

[An aside: you don't really need tob in /sbin as long as you have afio (or
tar if you use it instead of afio)  in /sbin to read a emergency backup
tape. Yet I feel that /sbin is the most appropriate place for it. And
it's only 20 kByte.]

Dirk Eddelbuettel                              http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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