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Bug#2973: install-info created 5 Development sections in my /usr/info/dir

Package: dpkg
Version: unknown

install-info seems to have messed up the formatting of my /usr/info/dir
file.  Namely, there are 5 Development sections.

I believe the problem started recently, because the .old is from a
package I recently installed.  Then again ... who knows?
$ diff /usr/info/dir{,.old}
< Development
< * Gcc: (gcc).              The use and the internals of the GNU compiler.

$ cat /usr/info/dir
-*- Text -*-
This is the file .../info/dir, which contains the topmost node of
the Info hierarchy.  The first time you invoke Info you start off
looking at that node, which is (dir)Top.

File: dir	Node: Top	This is the top of the INFO tree
  This (the Directory node) gives a menu of major topics.  Typing "d"
  returns here, "q" exits, "?" lists all INFO commands, "h"  gives a
  primer for first-timers, "mTexinfo<Return>" visits Texinfo topic,
  Or click mouse button 2 on a menu item or cross reference to select

In Debian GNU/Linux, Info \`dir\' entries are added with the command
\`install-info\'.  Please refer to install-info(8) for usage details.

* Menu: The list of major topics begins on the next line.

* AUC TeX: (auctex).       AUC TeX is an integrated environment for editing
                             LaTeX and TeX files.
* DVIps: (dvips).	 	DVI-to-PostScript translator.
* Kpathsea: (kpathsea).		File lookup along search paths.
* Cl: (cl).                The GNU Emacs Common Lisp emulation package.
* Dired-x: (dired-x).      Dired Extra Features.
* Ediff: (ediff).          Visual interface to diff and patch.
* Elisp: (elisp).          Emacs Lisp Reference Manual
* Emacs: (emacs).          The extensible self-documenting text editor.
* Forms: (forms).          Forms mode, a form-editing major mode for GNU Emacs.
* Gnus: (gnus).            Gnus, the GNU Emacs newsreader.
* Info: (info).            Documentation browsing system.
* Mh-e: (mh-e).            Emacs interface to the MH mail system.
* Sc: (sc).                Supercite.
* Vip: (vip).              A VI emulation for Emacs.
* Viper: (viper).          The new VI emulation mode for Emacs 19

* Autoconf: (autoconf).         Create source code configuration scripts.
* Gdbm: (gdbm).            The GNU Database Routines
* History: (history).      The GNU History Library
* Libg++: (libg++).             The g++ class library.
* iostream: (iostream).                    The C++ input/output facility.
* Gperf: (gperf).                Perfect Hash Function Generator.
* Flex: (flex).         A fast scanner generator.
* Gnats: (gnats).          'GNU GNATS. How to send problem reports'
* Make: (make).            The GNU Make utility, which determines automatically
                             which pieces of a large program need to be
                             recompiled, and issues the commands to recompile
* Readline: (readline).    The GNU Readline Library
* Stabs: (stabs).                 The "stabs" debugging information format.
* Gdb-Internals: (gdbint).	The GNU debugger's internals.
* Gdb: (gdb).                     The GNU debugger.
* Bfd: (bfd).                   The Binary File Descriptor library.
* Ld: (ld).                       The GNU linker.
* gprof: (gprof).                Profiling your program's execution
* gasp: (gasp).                     The GNU Assembler Preprocessor
* Binutils: (binutils).         The GNU binary utilities "ar", "objcopy",
				"objdump", "nm", "nlmconv", "size",
                                "strings", "strip", and "ranlib".
* As: (as).                     The GNU assembler.
* Gmp: (gmp).              GNU MP, a library for arbitrary-precision integer
                             and rational number arithmetic.
* Libc: (libc).            The GNU C library.

* Bison: (bison).          The Bison parser generator.
* Cvs: (cvs).              Concurrent Versions System
* Cvsclient: (cvsclient).  Concurrent Versions System
* Indent: (indent).        A C language source code beautifier

Console utilities
* Gpm: (gpm).              The 1.00 release of the "General Purpose Mouse"
                             (gpm) server for the Linux text console (July

Document Preparation
* Ispell: (ispell).        An interactive spelling corrector.
* Linuxdoc-sgml: (linuxdoc-sgml). Linux Documentation Project SGML tools

* W3: (w3).                WWW browser for emacs

* Mgetty: (mgetty).        A smart modem replacement for getty

* Debian-faq: (debian-faq). Debian GNU/Linux FAQ
* Linux FAQ: (linux-faq). Linux Frequently Asked Questions with Answers.

* Ipc: (ipc).              The System V style inter process communication
                             primitives available under linux.

* Guidelines: (guidelines).       How to make Debian packages.

General commands
* Finding Files: (find).        Listing and operating on files
                                that match certain criteria.

* Cpp: (cpp).              The GNU C Preprocessor.

* Gcc: (gcc).              The use and the internals of the GNU compiler.

General Commands
* GIT: (git).         GNU Interactive Tools
* Gzip: (gzip).            The the GNU `gzip' command for compressing files.
* Remsync: (remsync).      The `remsync' command and friends, which have the
                             purpose of synchronizing remote directory trees
                             using email.
* tar: (tar).			Making tape (or disk) archives.
* Cpio: (cpio).            A program to manage archives of files
* File utilities: (fileutils).  GNU file utilities.
* chgrp: (fileutils)chgrp invocation.	        Change file groups.
* chown: (fileutils)chown invocation.	        Change file owners/groups.
* chmod: (fileutils)chmod invocation.	        Change file permissions.
* cp: (fileutils)cp invocation.	                Copy files.
* dd: (fileutils)dd invocation.	                Copy and convert a file.
* df: (fileutils)df invocation.	                Report filesystem disk usage.
* dir: (fileutils)dir invocation.		List directories briefly.
* du: (fileutils)du invocation.	                Report on disk usage.
* Gawk: (gawk).            `awk', a program that you can use to select
                             particular records in a file and perform
                             operations upon them.
* install: (fileutils)install invocation.	Copy and change attributes.
* ln: (fileutils)ln invocation.	                Make links between files.
* ls: (fileutils)ls invocation.			List directory contents.
* mkdir: (fileutils)mkdir invocation.	        Create directories.
* mkfifo: (fileutils)mkfifo invocation.	        Create FIFOs: (named pipes).
* mknod: (fileutils)mknod invocation.	        Create special files.
* mv: (fileutils)mv invocation.	                Rename files.
* Recode: (recode).        Character set conversion utility.
* rm: (fileutils)rm invocation.	                Remove files.
* rmdir: (fileutils)rmdir invocation.	        Remove empty directories.
* sync: (fileutils)sync invocation.	        Synchronize memory and disk.
* Time: (time).            A utility to time the execution of a command
* touch: (fileutils)touch invocation.	        Change file timestamps.
* vdir: (fileutils)vdir invocation.		List directories verbosely.
* Diff: (diff).            GNU diff and related utilities
* Ed: (ed).                The `ed' command, which has the purpose of editing
                             text files.
* Text utilities: (textutils).  	GNU text utilities.
* cat: (textutils)cat invocation.		Concatenate and write files.
* tac: (textutils)tac invocation.		Reverse files.
* nl: (textutils)nl invocation.			Number lines and write files.
* od: (textutils)od invocation.			Dump files in octal, etc.
* fmt: (textutils)fmt invocation.		Reformat paragraph text.
* pr: (textutils)pr invocation.			Paginate or columnate files.
* fold: (textutils)fold invocation.		Wrap long input lines.
* head: (textutils)head invocation.		Output the first part of files.
* tail: (textutils)tail invocation.		Output the last part of files.
* split: (textutils)split invocation.		Split into fixed-size pieces.
* csplit: (textutils)csplit invocation.		Split by context.
* wc: (textutils)wc invocation.			Byte, word, and line counts.
* sum: (textutils)sum invocation.		Print traditional checksum.
* cksum: (textutils)cksum invocation.		Print POSIX CRC checksum.
* sort: (textutils)sort invocation.		Sort text files.
* uniq: (textutils)uniq invocation.		Uniqify files.
* comm: (textutils)comm invocation.		Compare sorted files by line.
* cut: (textutils)cut invocation.		Print selected parts of lines.
* paste: (textutils)paste invocation.		Merge lines of files.
* join: (textutils)join invocation.		Join lines on a common field.
* tr: (textutils)tr invocation.			Translate characters.
* expand: (textutils)expand invocation.		Convert tabs to spaces.
* unexpand: (textutils)unexpand invocation.	Convert spaces to tabs.
* Shell utilities: (sh-utils).		GNU shell utilities.
* basename: (sh-utils)basename invocation.	Strip directory and suffix.
* date: (sh-utils)date invocation.		Print/set system date and time.
* dirname: (sh-utils)dirname invocation.	Strip non-directory suffix.
* echo: (sh-utils)echo invocation.		Print a line of text.
* env: (sh-utils)env invocation.		Modify the environment.
* expr: (sh-utils)expr invocation.		Evaluate expressions.
* false: (sh-utils)false invocation.		Do nothing, unsuccessfully.
* groups: (sh-utils)groups invocation.		Print group names a user is in.
* hostname: (sh-utils)hostname invocation.	Print or set system name.
* id: (sh-utils)id invocation.			Print real/effective uid/gid.
* logname: (sh-utils)logname invocation.	Print current login name.
* nice: (sh-utils)nice invocation.		Modify scheduling priority.
* pathchk: (sh-utils)pathchk invocation.	Check file name portability.
* printenv: (sh-utils)printenv invocation.	Print environment variables.
* printf: (sh-utils)printf invocation.	        Format and print data.
* pwd: (sh-utils)pwd invocation.	        Print working directory.
* sleep: (sh-utils)sleep invocation.	        Delay for a specified time.
* stty: (sh-utils)stty invocation.	        Print/change terminal settings.
* su: (sh-utils)su invocation.	                Modify user and group id.
* tee: (sh-utils)tee invocation.	        Redirect to multiple files.
* test: (sh-utils)test invocation.	        File/string tests.
* true: (sh-utils)true invocation.	        Do nothing, successfully.
* tty: (sh-utils)tty invocation.	        Print terminal name.
* uname: (sh-utils)uname invocation.	        Print system information.
* users: (sh-utils)users invocation.	        Print current user names.
* who: (sh-utils)who invocation.	        Print who is logged in.
* whoami: (sh-utils)whoami invocation.		Print effective user id.
* yes: (sh-utils)yes invocation.		Print a string indefinitely.
* Cfengine: (cfengine).    A tool for configuring and maintaining operating
* Jargon: (jargon).        The definitive compendium of hacker slang.
* Shar utilities: (sharutils).          GNU shar utilities.
* mail-files: (sharutils)mail-files invocation. Send files to remote site.
* mailshar: (sharutils)mailshar invocation.     Make and send a shell archive.
* remsync: (sharutils)remsync invocation.       Synchronize remote files.
* shar: (sharutils)shar invocation.             Make a shell archive.
* unshar: (sharutils)unshar invocation.         Explode a shell archive.
* uudecode: (sharutils)uudecode invocation.     Restore file from 7-bits.
* uuencode: (sharutils)uuencode invocation.     Force binary file to 7-bits.
* Dc: (dc).                DC, an arbitrary precision calculator.
* M4: (m4).                GNU m4, the macro preprocessor.
* Makeinfo: (makeinfo).    Converts Texinfo files into Info files.
* Texinfo: (texinfo).      The GNU Project's documentation format.
* Info-stnd: (info-stnd).  Standalone reader for Info documentation.
* Hello: (hello).          GNU Hello. Prints a classic greeting.

Christopher J. Fearnley            |    Linux/Internet Consulting
cjf@netaxs.com                     |    UNIX SIG Leader at PACS
http://www.netaxs.com/~cjf         |    (Philadelphia Area Computer Society)
ftp://ftp.netaxs.com/people/cjf    |    Design Science Revolutionary
"Dare to be Naive" -- Bucky Fuller |    Explorer in Universe

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