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Re: Uploading sysklogd-1.3-2

You write:

}> I'll upload the *new* and corrected sysklogd package in a few
}Here is a 'k'                           ^^^

] This is the *name* of the original package

}> Package: syslogd
}No 'k'       ^^

] This is the *name* of the Debian package

}> sysklogd-1.3-2.i386.deb 
}    ^^^  Another 'k'

] This is the *name* of the original package converted into Debian

}> The default behaviour of syslogd has altered from 1.2 to 1.3. By default
}No 'k'                       ^^

] This is the daemon programm, the system log daemon called syslogd.

}I don't understand.  Is this package officially 'sysklogd' or 'syslogd'.
}When installing a new system, why does dselect show sysklogd as installed,
}but it's trying to install syslogd as well?  Is this good or bad?  Which 
}package should I be using?

The official name of this package is sys'k'logd (contains a syslogd
and a klogd). The official name of the Debian package, containing
this, is sys''logd (without the 'k').

Confusing? Okay, let's explain.

The problem is that in the early days of Debian the Debian version of
this package was called "syslogd". If I rename the Debian version to
sys'k'logd (I've already tried this in 1.2-15, causing many
moaning...) dpkg would let the package override your config file. I
don't think that dpkg can handle this yet.

I have an idea to fix this. I produce two packages syslogd and
sysklogd, each of them conflicting with the other. A special note is
added to the description field in the control file. This means that
the user itself can decide which package he will install.

The boot-floppies should only contain the package called sysklogd so
that further upgrades only take the new (original) name.

Both packages will be supported for a long time, but sometime the
package called syslogd will dissappear.

What do you think about that?



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
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