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Bug#2781: sendmail-8.7.5-3

Package: sendmail
Version: 8.7.5-3

*Finally* it showed up on our local mirror. I don't know if this is
the latest version, but I installed and tried it.

- The postinst script runs "newaliases", but sendmail.cf hasn't
  been created yet on a "virgin" system - exit(1). I had to edit
  the /var/lib/dpkg/info/sendmail.postinst file by hand to comment
  out the call to newaliases before I could configure sendmail.

- All config files are in /etc. The consensus on other systems
  (and in the FSSTND) seems to be that mail configuration files,
  except /etc/aliases, are kept in /etc/mail. My /etc is waaaay
  too full already ;)
  Another advantage of a /etc/mail directory is that one can
  put a Makefile there to rebuild the databases - yes I use
  userdb, domaintable, mailertable, etc.

- There is no debian.README in /usr/doc/sendmail that explains
  where all files are located and that you can re-run the
  sendmailconfig script - just a bit of documentation would be

  Miquel van    | Cistron Internet Services   --    Alphen aan den Rijn.
  Smoorenburg,  | mailto:info@cistron.nl          http://www.cistron.nl/
miquels@het.net | Tel: +31-172-419445 (Voice) 430979 (Fax) 442580 (Data)

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