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Re: don't gzip man files

>>Then some packages will have compressed manuals and some won't.  With
>>my proposal of using dpkg or some such to handle compressing pages,
>>people only have to upgrade dpkg -- nothing else.  To make it really
>Also, someone will have to implement it. I do see a problem there.

Have you looked at the script I posted a few days ago?  I think this
is well on the way to doing the right thing, and I'd be happy to
maintain it if it became generally used.

I don't have time to test and (potentially more time-consumingly)
debug it right now, though if no-one else reports any experiences of
using it in the near future I'll probably find the time.

>>>>4. # find /usr/man -type f -name \*.[0-9]\* -print | xargs gzip -9
>>>Does that not make upgrades harder? If a man page is deleted from a
>>>package, how will dpkg know to delete blah.x.gz? I don't like files
>>Not at all.  It's not difficult to handle.  Compare sizes, use md5sum,
>... all of which won't match. If you make gzipped man pages an option (I  
>still don't see a good reason for not gzipping all in the first place, and  
>be done with it), then dpkg MUST know about this, or else you might as  
>well scrap dpkg. Nothing else has a chance to work.

As I've pointed out before, my script is intended to solve precisely
this problem.

Richard Kettlewell
http://www.elmail.co.uk/staff/richard/                    richard@elmail.co.uk
Hanging is too good for a man who makes puns; he should be drawn and quoted. 
      -- Fred Allen

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