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Re: netscape 2.0-1 released

>Well, Ian, I'm not sure that the dot is any better character than the 
>blank line. Several editors take the bare dot (ie. '.<CR>') as the 
>end-of-edit flag. I have been told by several members of this list that 
>sending such a sequense in an email message can choke their mailer. 
>Wouldn't ':' or '>' be better characters for this? Does dpkg actually 
>care what the character is? Does it check?

The dot isn't actuall bare.  All lines in the description must start with
a space or it is considered the start of the next keyword.  It is actually
<space><dot> (" .")

                                 ( bcwhite@bnr.ca )

    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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