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Bug#2313: xterm keymapping problems suspected

>Also, with "stty raw; cat -v", I see that the Backspace and DEL
>keys both produce ^? ('\177') in an xterm.  (the "cat -v" will
>need to be killed from another terminal session after this, and
>"reset" or "stty sane" done).  The Backspace and DEL keys should
>produce distinct sequences.

When I was playing with this, it seems that Backspace and DEL are the
same key as far as X is concerned.  Even the Xkeysym utilities always
reported identical codes for both keys.  Not that I'm an expert on this...
I just wanted to map DEL and BS differently in emacs.

                                 ( bcwhite@bnr.ca )

    In theory, theory and practice are the same.  In practice, they're not.

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