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Bug#2313: xterm keymapping problems suspected

>Also, with "stty raw; cat -v", I see that the Backspace and DEL
>keys both produce ^? ('\177') in an xterm.  (the "cat -v" will
>need to be killed from another terminal session after this, and
>"reset" or "stty sane" done).  The Backspace and DEL keys should
>produce distinct sequences.

Is this a bug or a misfeature...? Xfree inherits many of the
keymappings from the spawning tty, and on most linux distributions
(including debian) the default keymappings for the text console (US
keyboard maps at least) map both these keys to the same value...

For example, /usr/lib/kdb/keytables/us.map on default 0.93R6 systems
maps both keycodes 9 and 111 to the same code (mostly, one is mapped
to Delete and one to Remove, not really sure the difference but by the
time X gets done they are the same).

Shouldn't this be fixed?  Would also cut down on the 'Backspace
doesn't work in Netscape' complaints... :)

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
kaszeta@me.umn.edu,kaszeta@bofh.mi.org  University of MN, ME Dept
Tabasco. Don't leave ~ without it.

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