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Hmm. I think I'll have to subscribe to debian-devel real soon now,
(but not on this address!) chances are this has been beaten to death already..

> Date: Sun, 17 Dec 1995 11:57:04 -0500 (EST)
> From: Michael Alan Dorman <mdorman@lot49.med.miami.edu>
> To: Chris Fearnley <cjf@netaxs.com>
> cc: miquels@drinkel.ow.org, Debian Developers <debian-devel@Pixar.com>
> Subject: Re: ALPHA release of apache-1.0.0-1 now available
> * Should we create a new user and/or group to control access to the 
> hierarchy of html files?  If so, why don't we make it "official" and get 
> Bruce to include in the base /etc/group and /etc/passwd files.

Doesn't cern-httpd do this? I think it creates a group called "www-data".

> * Where should we put the html hierarchy?  I mean, they could exist on 
> /usr, since it doesn't per se matter if they're read-only or not, but it 
> that "right"?  A lot of places use /home/html or some such---I personally 
> don't think this is appropriate, but someone please tell me I'm wrong.

Well, my views on this are:
o a /var/httpd/htdocs for the documents
  Remember apache can be a server for multiple domains. That's why
  we need a 2-level directory structure; you might get
  as "htdocs" base directory for other virtual domains.
o cgi-bin:              /usr/lib/httpd/cgi-bin
o icons:                /usr/lib/httpd/icons
o maintenance scripts:  /usr/lib/httpd/crons (or maint, whatever)
  (I have some nice ones)
o logfiles:             /var/log/httpd/....
  again, preferably not in /var/log itself because there might be
  lots of virtual domains.
o where do htpasswd & friends go? /usr/bin ? /usr/lib/httpd/bin ?

> We might also want to coordinate with Ted Hajek who maintains the cern httpd.
> Also, you might want to rename the package to apache-httpd and the 
> related directories and files, or you need to conflict with cern-httpd.

Yes, the config file for cern should be renamed to /etc/cern-httpd.conf (or
something); I usually have both servers running, cern as a proxy and apache
for the real work.

+ Miquel van Smoorenburg   + Cistron Internet Services +  Living is a     |
| miquels@cistron.nl (SP5) | Independent Dutch ISP     |   horizontal     |
+ miquels@drinkel.ow.org   + http://www.cistron.nl/    +      fall        +

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