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Re: Bug#1916: perl: wrong entries in Config.pm


	I think the issue of variables like installarchlib (see below
 for a list of related variables) needs further thought. (I am also
 CC'ing this to debian-devel).

	You see, there are a number of add-ons (or extensions) to Perl
 that are very useful, (the perlTk stuff, the CGI modules, and libwww
 come to mind), and these use MakeMaker and Config.pm to determine
 where to put the files on install.  

	If such an extension is acquired by a user of the system, then
 things should point to /usr/local, (since users should not normally
 add things to /usr/{bin,lib}, and we should not set it up in a manner
 that such is the default).  

	However, if someone wants to package up one of these
 extensions (I'd like to see the CGI:: and libwww things at least),
 then they should install normally, into /usr.  Of course, the package
 maintainer could hack the make command to do the right thing,
 (setting things like INST_ARCHLIB and INSTALLARCHLIB to do the right

	IMHO Config.pm should be set up to help the user, that is,
 send things into /usr/local (making sure that perl does look at
 /usr/local/lib/perl5/ as well), and provide a make -D <blah> line for


** Other related variables: archlib archlibexp bin binexp
   installarchlib installbin installman1dir installman3dir
   installprivlib installscript installsitearch man1dir man1direxp
   man3dir man3direxp myhostname mydomain myuname oldarchlib
   oldarchlibexp privlib privlibexp prefix prefixexp scriptdir
   scriptdirexp sitearch sitearchexp 

Manoj Srivastava              Systems Research Programmer, Project Pilgrim,
Phone: (413) 545-3918               A143B Lederle Graduate Research Center,
Fax:   (413) 545-1249        University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003
<srivasta@pilgrim.umass.edu>  <URL:http://www.pilgrim.umass.edu/~srivasta/>

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