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Uploaded dwww 1.5.1 (sparc) to ftp-master

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Format: 1.7
Date: Sun,  8 Apr 2001 22:42:02 +0200
Source: dwww
Binary: dwww
Architecture: sparc
Version: 1.5.1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian/SPARC Build Daemon <buildd@vore.debian.org>
Changed-By: Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org>
 dwww       - Read all on-line documentation via WWW
Closes: 8907 8940 10042 10756 11535 14041 17478 19054 29502 30058 34432 34855 37378 37856 38317 38821 43904 45375 45902 47469 48892 49072 49336 49664 51177 51206 53355 54694 59185 60557 60664 62158 62394 62596 62726 62735 64263 77331
 dwww (1.5.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * dwww-convert: Applied patch from Jean-Philippe Guerard
     + Several fixes in the HTML URLs conversion Perl script used in
       "dwww-convert". Should now correctly handle all URLs, including
       fragments, links splited over several lines, and unquoted URLs.
     + The HTML URLs conversion code used in "dwww-convert" is now in the
       "builtin_html2html" subroutine.
     + The HTML URLs conversion code in "dwww-convert" now handle
       <FRAME SRC=""> tags (closes: #11535).
     + In "dwww-convert", when trying to find out the file type, the file
       extension is checked to guess the file type, then, if unsucessful,
       the "file" command is used (closes: #62735).
   Many thanks for the patch, Jean.
   * dwww-convert: minor other improvements.
   * debian/postinst: dwww's database is built in the background (closes: #8907).
   * Fixes in menu-method:
     + make it compatible with menu-2 (closes: #37378).
     + add "runonlyasroot" option (closes: #51206).
     + add support for external links with "url" entry (closes: #14041).
   * dwww-build: do not call update-menus. There is no such need since every
     package which provides menu entry file, should call updates-menu in its
     postinst script (closes: #29502, #54694, #64263, #77331).
   * Closing NMU fixed bugs: closes:  #8940, #10042, #10756, #17478, #19054,
     closes: #30058, #34432, #34855, #37856, #38317, #38821, #43904, #45902,
     closes: #45375, #47469, #48892, #49072, #49336, #49664, #51177, #53355,
     closes: #59185, #60557, #60664, #62158, #62394, #62596, #62726.
 48429d7202a50bf1b19ceacff3f083cb 63656 doc optional dwww_1.5.1_sparc.deb

Version: GnuPG v1.0.1 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Ben Collins <bcollins@debian.org>


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