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More than that, if you don't grow in these purposes, you're going to go through a lot of needless pain in life as well.

So what can we as fathers do? I believe that relationships are worth
salvaging, so today I'm going to talk about How To Restore Broken
Relationships. What should you do when a relationship becomes broken?
When you miss the point of life, that sin will also keep you from
experiencing eternity with God your creator.



Date: Monday, November 27, 2006
Symbol: C N H C
Price: $1.44 (UP 7%! on Friday)
Projected: $8



God wants every believer to mature and become a teacher of others.
Not at all, people simply don't know much about building relationships.
The point of growth, the point of life is to develop to become like
Jesus Christ.
Three times an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and
instructed him how to lead his family. One of the things that a father
must do is to guard his family from danger When you think of guarding
your family, you think of guarding from an external danger. Yet Joseph
was a very important father.
Where do we get this strong desire for relationships?
Let's watch a clip of an interview with David Berkowitz otherwise known
of Son of Sam who was a serial killer in New York.
When you are tempted you have a choice to either give in to the
temptation or to reject the temptation.
When the parents have problems in their relationship, whether it ends in
divorce or not, the children have relationship problems and eventually
carry them into their own homes.
In order to be a good father, in order to know how to lead my family, I
need to listen to and learn from God. " Why did God put us on this
journey called life? It is essential for them to eat physical food.
Reincarnation is simply the result of over active imaginations, no truth
to it at all. Every person in the church family needs to be part of
working for the unity of the church, making it a better place tomorrow
than it is today. This unity and peace in God's family is meant to
permeate your family, but it's not automatic. He's more interested in
changing you than changing your circumstances.
God never intended for you to try to live life in a vacuum, just you and
your family and maybe a few relatives. We don't want to change, we just
want our circumstances to change. This morning I want to talk about
overcoming your temptations, learning how to say "No" to your chocolate
bunnies and walk free.
If you are not yet a believer this morning, God has put a desire in your
heart to grow. The same is true of the church family, which is what I'm
going to talk about today.
You and I need to make every effort to keep this unity and peace. God
doesn't cause them but He allows them to come into our lives. The recipe
had called for one teaspoon of garlic as seasoning but our child had
interpreted it as one cup of garlic.
" Notice that my title is guarding your church family.
He's more interested in changing you than changing your circumstances.
So the Bible tells you to ask God and it promises that God will gladly
tell you.
That's the point of life.
Three times an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and
instructed him how to lead his family.
As a father, you need to know what God wants you to do. She said no, but
she thought we had enough. " Notice that my title is guarding your
church family. That's true, but it is more helpful to think of
temptation as a choice.
The seed represents the Word of God which brings forth God's life into
ours. As a father, you need to know what God wants you to do.
Each of us needs to learn to build the relationships in our lives that
God has blessed us with.
Every person in the church family needs to be part of working for the
unity of the church, making it a better place tomorrow than it is today.
The Bible makes it very clear that you are not going to come back
another time in another body or any such thing. The second thing that
you need is the desire or will to make changes in your life. God wants
you to make the right choice. The second thing that you need is the
desire or will to make changes in your life.

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