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Tradução - sistema de votação do Debian


Estou precisando de ajuda para traduzir o arquivo em anexo. 

Ele fala sobre o sistema de votação do Debian, que também é usado na SPI, e tem termos que eu não conheço, então acho que os melhores tradutores seriam os devels que já conhecem o sistema de votação (por isso o cross-posting).


Michelle Ribeiro
Consultoria em Software Livre
Campinas - SP 
<define-tag pagetitle>Voting for new board members</define-tag>
<define-tag release_date>2003-1-25</define-tag>
#use wml::news

<p>At its January 7, 2003 meeting the board of directors accepted
<a href="$(HOME)/corporate/resolutions/resolution-2003-01-06.wta.1">\
resolution 2003-01-06.wta.1</a>, which details the procedure for extending
the board with three new members.</p>

<p>During the period from January 25 to February 7 (UTC) contributing
members can cast their vote online. People who become contributing
members during this period are also eligible for voting. The voting
system can be found at the following address:</p>

<a href="https://members.spi-inc.org/vote/";>https://members.spi-inc.org/vote/</a>

<p>Detailed information about the eight candidates can be found
at the following address:</p>

<a href="http://www.spi-inc.org/secretary/";>http://www.spi-inc.org/secretary/</a>

<p>Votes will be counted using the "Condorcet" election method system which
will be used to select the most preferred candidate. Conceptually, the
election will be broken into a series of pairwise races between each
possible paring of the candidates. If one candidate beats each of the
others in pairwise races, that candidate wins. Otherwise, the
"Cloneproof/Schwartz Sequential Dropping" method is employed to choose
the most preferred candidate from those remaining.</p>

<p>As such, vote preferences should be made by ranking the candidates. A
vote that simply specifies "X" does not imply preference. Your
preference will be shown best when you specify all candidates in order
of preference (i.e. "XYZWTUV"). Voting "XY" implies that you prefer
candidate X to candidate Y but will not affect the races between X and
the other candidates or Y and the other candidates.</p>

<p>Some background reading on preferential voting and Condorcet is
available online at
<a href="http://www.electionmethods.org/";>ElectionMethods.org</a>.</p>

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