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Uploaded vim 6.0.061-1 (m68k) to erlangen


Format: 1.7
Date: Thu,  1 Nov 2001 17:16:37 +0100
Source: vim
Binary: vim-python vim-gtk vim-ruby vim vim-tcl vim-perl
Architecture: m68k
Version: 6.0.061-1
Distribution: unstable
Urgency: low
Maintainer: Debian/m68k Build Daemon <buildd@q650.biophys.uni-duesseldorf.de>
Changed-By: Wichert Akkerman <wakkerma@debian.org>
 vim        - Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor
 vim-gtk    - Vi IMproved - GTK version
 vim-perl   - Vi IMproved, with perl scripting support
 vim-python - Vi IMproved, with python scripting support
 vim-ruby   - Vi IMproved, with ruby scripting support
 vim-tcl    - Vi IMproved, with tcl scripting support
Closes: 117619
 vim (6.0.061-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Add build to binary-arch dependencies. Closes: Bug#117619
   * More upstream patches:
     + 6.0.037: When the user has set "did_install_syntax_menu" to avoid
       the default Syntax menu it still appears.
     + 6.0.038: When 'selection' is "exclusive", deleting a block of text
       at the end of a line can leave the cursor beyond the end of the line.
     + 6.0.039: "gP" leaves the cursor in the wrong position when
       'virtualedit' is used. Using "c" in blockwise Visual mode leaves the
       cursor in a strange position.
     + 6.0.040: When 'fileencoding' is invalid and writing fails because of
       this, the original file is gone.
     + 6.0.041: Using ":language messages en" when LC_MESSAGES is undefined
       results in setting LC_CTYPE.
     + 6.0.042: ":mksession" can't handle file names with a space.
     + 6.0.043: Patch 6.0.041 was wrong.
     + 6.0.044: Using a "containedin" list for a syntax item doesn't work
       for an item that doesn't have a "contains" argument. Also,
       "containedin" doesn't ignore a transparent item.
     + 6.0.045: After creating a fold with a Visual selection, another
       window with the same buffer still has inverted text.
     + 6.0.046: When getrlimit() returns an 8 byte number the check for
       running out of stack may fail.
     + 6.0.047: Using a regexp with "\(\)" inside a "\%[]" item causes a
     + 6.0.048: Win32: In the console the mouse doesn't always work
       correctly. Sometimes after getting focus a mouse movement is
       interpreted like a button click.
     + 6.0.049: When using evim the intro screen is misleading.
     + 6.0.050: UTF-8: "viw" doesn't include non-ASCII characters before
       the cursor.
     + 6.0.051: UTF-8: Using CTRL-R on the command line doesn't insert
       composing characters.
     + 6.0.052: The check for rlim_t in patch 6.0.046 does not work on some
     + 6.0.053: Various problems with QNX.
     + 6.0.054: When using mswin.vim, CTRL-V pastes a block of text like it
       is normal text. Using CTRL-V in blockwise Visual mode leaves "x"
       characters behind.
     + 6.0.055: GTK: The selection isn't copied the first time.
     + 6.0.056: Using "CTRL-O cw" in Insert mode results in a nested Insert
       mode. <Esc> doesn't leave Insert mode then.
     + 6.0.057: Using ":wincmd g}" in a function doesn't work.
     + 6.0.058: When a Cursorhold autocommand moved the cursor, the ruler
       wasn't updated.
     + 6.0.059: Highlighting for 'hlsearch' isn't visible in lines that are
       highlighted for diff highlighting.
     + 6.0.060: Motif: When the tooltip is to be popped up, Vim crashes.
     + 6.0.061: The toolbar buttons to load and save a session do not
       correctly use v:this_session.
 8be39bd76b9e40000aca262a4f3d45c8 4062712 editors optional vim_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb
 a71a78cc041e58dfe4c7cec3f6a16d95 516822 editors optional vim-gtk_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb
 de054728d0dccd7b0e2505ce578c400d 526748 editors optional vim-perl_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb
 a873a1568a06a61e3bc20c7f7bb6133b 715288 editors optional vim-python_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb
 25249c9387a3a2ab4e28722f17abd081 520742 editors optional vim-ruby_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb
 8177d5f9931efaaa83636299cc082c18 524036 editors optional vim-tcl_6.0.061-1_m68k.deb

Version: 2.6.3i
Charset: noconv


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