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Re: RFS fheroes2


The old version of my packaging work is at https://salsa.debian.org/undef21/fheroes2. I packaged newer versions only locally. I'll look at your package in a few hours.

The upstream packaging files can't be used in the Debian repository because fheroes2 sources contain binary files and files with unclean licenses. They were created only for local packaging.

Can I put my changes and fixes as a pull request in your repository?

25.05.2023 18:30, Alexandre Detiste пишет:
Hi again,

I found your packaging work in the script/packaging/debian/
subdirectory of upstream repo.

I now built a new packaging repo on Salsa at
  - the new upstream release 1.0.4 from two weeks ago
  - a copy of your files from script/packaging/debian/ into debian/
  - a new ITP changelog entry
  - some parts from
     applied on top (this is the inner "fheroes2" package that lives in
  - some lintian-brush magic

It builds but result is not tested.

Can you have a look ?


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