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Re: Bug#944757: endless-sky: please package Endless Sky 0.9.10

Good day everyone,

To start off, I have a few questions for you in regards to this. Sorry for the quantity, I haven't been part of the process of getting a game into Debian before, so I'm not sure on done of the terminology or what it entails.

1. What do we need to do to facilitate updates to Endless Sky being packaged and made available here?

2. There had been mention of having someone as co-maintainer, sponsor/mentor, and the option of having this under the group maintenance of the Debian Games group. What would be involved in each of these options? Are these mutually exclusive options, or complimentary?

3. What sort of long term commitment do we need of someone takes on responsibility for handling this? Is this someone who just needs to do a build, test, and upload the game each update? Is there likely to be additional editing and adjustment required?

4. What possibilities are there for automation? For instance, we have our GitHub repository setup to automatically build releases for MacOS, Windows, and an appimage. Can the Debian build feasibly be done alongside these?

5. Does whoever does this require any permissions beyond the publicly available source code and data? (There is no secret data/code, it is all publicly visible).

Thank you, I am looking forward to helping more people enjoy our game.


On Fri, Nov 11, 2022, 12:23 Olek Wojnar, <olek@debian.org> wrote:
Hello everyone,

On Fri, Nov 11, 2022 at 11:27 AM Zitchas Z <zitchas.jma@gmail.com> wrote:
Good day Michael, Job, Damyan, and the Debian games team,

I think we may have a person or two familiar with Debian. I will bring this up with the community and see if we're can find someone interested in doing this.

I know this has come up before, and we weren't sure how to proceed, so I think we should be able to.

I believe that I previously offered to mentor/sponsor since this game has been quite popular in my household. (Thanks for all the great work on it!) That offer is still open.
I have taken the liberty to upgrade the package (locally) from
0.9.8-1.2 to and started a salsa project to track the
changes. The result is at <https://salsa.debian.org/dmn/endless-sky>.
It is not 100% ready yet, but looks quite nice. At this point I wonder
how to proceed.

I haven't tried building, but that packaging looks pretty solid at first glance.
Michael, would you like a co-maintainer for the Debian package?
Perhaps even a group-maintenance under the Debian Games Team (cc-ed)?
Either should help timely upgrades in Debian.

If you opt to go under the Games Team umbrella, I will be happy to help mentor/sponsor, as needed.
Thanks for the great additions to the storyline :)



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