Hi Carlos, Am 08.02.20 um 07:21 schrieb Carlos Donizete Froes: > Hi, > > I'm looking for a sponsor for this new OpenSurge package[1], which is a retro 2D > platform game inspired by Sonic games. > > You need to have the latest version of the SurgeScript package[2], which is in > mentors.d.n. > > [1] https://mentors.debian.net/package/opensurge > > [2] https://mentors.debian.net/package/surgescript > > Thanks! I had a look at opensurge and surgescript and found some things which we need to fix before it can be uploaded but in general I believe both packages are suitable for Debian and I would really like to see them in the archive. surgescript: d/control: I believe the section should be games instead of graphics. d/changelog: New packages should just contain one line in the changelog. Initial release. (Closes: #xxxxxx) At the moment there is only surgescript but shouldn't we split the package into libsurgescript and libsurgescript-dev because it is basically a C library? Currently there is only a static library installed into the package, /usr/lib/libsurgescript.a, and the path seems to be wrong by the way. I think we need a shared library as well. opensurge: There are a couple of build-dependencies missing which prevents building opensurge from source in a clean environment. I have added the missing allegro5 addons to debian/control already. When I install both packages, opensurge won't start and it exits with the error message: "Can't initialize allegro5" I have uploaded all changes to https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/surgescript https://salsa.debian.org/games-team/opensurge So far Regards, Markus
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