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Re: GLee 5.5

  Hi Miry,

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 11:38 PM, Miriam Ruiz <miriam@debian.org> wrote:
> While packaging Löve 0.9.1 I've noticed that they embedded the version
> 5.5 of GLee so the one in the system doesn't work anymore. Googling
> about it, I found that other projects have done it too, but while
> looking for it, I only find GLee 5.5 in SVN, it has never been
> released.
> I'm planning to upoad Löve with the embedded GLee for the moment,
> until I decide what to do about GLee, as I'm not sure I want to
> package something not released
> Thoughts?

  Here are mine, I probably wouldn't even give 2 cts for them. Nothing
stops you from packaging a SVN version of GLee at the moment, with an
appropriate name, such as 5.5~svn+r288734. Just make sure it can be
replaced by the "real" 5.5 version later should upstream choose to
release it. In any case, you should point the problem to upstream of

  One last trick question: is the 5.5 version of GLee embedded in Löve
just a SVN snapshot, or did it get modified ?


      Vincent, for one of his very rare mails to debian-games now...

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