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[Blends] Debian Games task files online

Hi Andreas,

thanks for your changes to the task files. I suggest we always use
debian-devel-games for reaching a wider audience and getting some
feedback since pkg-games-devel is simply a general bug mailing list and
debian-games doesn't exist. :)

> Just `git pull` to get the changes (and check out the web pages linked
> above).  You might also be interested in the "thermometer" which gives
> some overview about up to date versions:
>     http://blends.debian.org/games/thermometer/

That's a really nifty feature. I like it.

> I could provide further help by running a script which is verifying
> whether there are any packages maintained by Debian Games but not yet
> mentioned inside the task (and thus may be falling through your sieve).

Ok, here are some questions and explanations what I did and why.


Based on the information provided by debtags, I created task files that
correspond with each of the current game::* tags of the debtags
framework. The result was that all games (not only those maintained by
the Games Team) could be easily ascertained and grouped without having
to know any further details about them. This approach is scriptable and
easy to maintain and independent from human interactions.

Two restrictions:

1. All games need an up-to-date and correct game::* tag.
2. If the tag is present, the information must be accessible/parseable

If you compare all those category task files with the "main" task file
(includes all binary packages in main of section games) and which will
be visible tomorrow, you can see that some of the games are missing.
That's because of 1 and 2. For example "freealchemist" was missing a
game:: tag and "freeorion" is properly tagged but the information isn't
accessible with the debtags command line tool.

How can I gain access to these information as soon as someone updates
the relevant debtags for the game? UDD? My intention is to let some kind
of script run on a regular basis that spits out those task files. I
assume we need to fix http://bugs.debian.org/709409 first?

The other advantage of properly maintained debtags for games is that we
could come up with completely different task files in the future such as
"action games written in Python", "only 3D or 2D games", "games with
joystick support" etc. It would be tedious work, if this had to be done

How do other blend teams cope with the fact that packages get removed or
introduced to the archive? Do they all revise their task files by hand

> Please also tell me whether you
> want to create metapackages and you need help with this.  I'd be more
> than happy to support this attempt.

I'd be glad for any assistance in creating metapackages. Could you point
me to the latest documentation, please? I guess I need to catch up on
some information here since Emmanouil did all this work last summer. I'm
prepared to work on an implementation as soon as possible. Please feel
free to respond to this mailing list or by opening new threads at
debian-blends, I'm subscribed.

> Kind regards and greetings from Debian Med sprint in Stonehaven

Have a nice weekend in Stonehaven. :)



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