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Re: Review pkg gmqcc (dependency for Xonotic)

10/24/13 8:13 AM, David Bate пишет:
> Thanks very much for the clarification, Simon.  (I have read the mail 
> you linked and its links before, but their meaning has not really been 
> clear until now.)
> On Tuesday 22 October 2013 19:46:32 Simon McVittie wrote:
>> of constructing the copyright file forces the packager to review
>> the source files and check that everything is *actually*
>> DFSG-compliant (e.g. finding non-free files that were included in a
>> tarball claiming to be GPL'd).
>> [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=462996
>> If the source package identifies copyright holders, then
>> debian/copyright needs to list all those copyright holders. It's OK
>> to merge multiple copyright statements: for instance if you have
>>     src/foo.c: © 2011-2013 Homer Simpson, © 2010-2012 Ned Flanders
>>     src/bar.c: © 2006-2012 Homer Simpson
>> then it's considered OK to summarize that as
>>     Files: src/*.c
>>     Copyright:
>>         © 2006-2013 Homer Simpson
>>         © 2010-2012 Ned Flanders
> So, Anton.  At the very least the copyright information needs to be 
> checked and any significant deviations from the top-level license 
> included  (for example, we can summarise like Simon explained, but we 
> must check for and include files with different authors or licenses).  
> I certainly did not do this for my initial review, but will check any 
> copyright file that you construct (that includes the current one if 
> you have already checked it :).
> David

Hi Devid and team,

After 3th months of pause, I started working with gmqcc again. Let's
finish that packaging.
I had to recreate the git repo.
Copyright looks good for me. Fix me if I'm wrong about that.

Devid, team, pls, review the package and give yours opinions.

I packaged the latest release: 3.5.0

http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-games/gmqcc.git doesn't work
now. Something was changed?

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