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cleaning the dust from five games


here is a short overview about the games which i intend to maintain as
part of the Games Team. I'll come back to the list as soon as i've
finished most of the work.

An Othello/Reversi clone for X11. At first i also wanted
to vote for removal because the game looks outdated. On the other side i
think this game won't ever be a burden because it consists of one c
file. It's an alternative for those players who don't want to install a
complete GNOME or KDE environment for playing a board game like this. In
short: I'll maintain it and i've already created a git repo for Jester.


Simple but classic game of Yahtzee. The package has already been in a
good shape. I made some small improvements and commited the changes to
our svn repo.  On a side note: The upstream author of openyahtzee
contacted me one day after i had announced my intention to adopt the
game. He offered help in case i'd face any problems with it. I guess i
don't need more reasons to stay interested in maintaining it. 

Thrust-like retro game. I like the looks and the gameplay. The package
needs a major overhaul. Since 2005 development has been stalled and
upstream considers the game being "complete". So basically the job is to
keep the package in shape until someone else decides to develop new
features and level.


Somebody else mentioned it somewhere on the list. Very classic strategy game.
I'm sure i did everything to revive it. 

etw alias Eat the whistle
If nobody else adopts it in the next two weeks, i will take care of it.
There are already enough first-person shooters. The time is ripe for a
football game. :)



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